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2024 Physician and Advanced Practice Salary Report

What are physicians and advanced practitioners making?

What is the average salary for a physician or advanced practitioner?

LocumTenens.com conducted its Annual Salary and Employment Survey during a period from August through early October 2023. Survey respondents represent physicians and advanced practice providers who practice on a locum tenens basis as well as those with permanent salaries. Compensation results consist of only full-time, permanent employees and consider only annual salary and bonuses.

Average Physician Salary


Average Advanced Practitioner Salary


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How does this year's average physician salary compare to other years?

In 2023, the average physician salary climbed 2.5% from the previous year. Fluctuations in physician salaries are playing out differently across medical specialties and sub-specialties.

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How does this year's average advanced practice salary compare to other years?

In 2023, the average advanced practitioner salary grew by 5.5%, continuing the steady rise in APP base salaries since 2017.

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View all the full reports for every specialty here.

Respondent demographics

Physicians and advanced practitioners who took this survey

Where are physicians and advanced practitioners working?

In 2023, the workforce of physicians and APPs were spread out fairly evenly between hospitals, medical practices owned by hospitals, and independent practices.

LocumTenens.com Salary Hospital Employed

Hospital employed

Physicians: 24%
AP: 29%

LocumTenens.com Salary Group practice Employed

Medical group / practice owned by a hospital /system

Physicians: 22%
AP: 23%

LocumTenens.com Salary Community Employed

Independent medical group / practice

Physicians: 20%
AP: 20%

By region

Years in practice

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Employment status in 2023

How old are clinicians?